Connect Your Phone to Windows 10
Tired of having to pick up your phone or twist your wrist everytime you get a text message when you are sitting at your computer or laptop? Check out these alternatives to picking up your phone everytime.
Lightshot: Change the image size
Lightshot is a free screen shot add on for Windows. It has a handy 'in action' editing option of saving a screen snippet. Sometimes that screen snippet is too large of a file size and sometimes it is too small of a file size. Here is a How-To on changing the file size of the saved image.
What a show The Blue Angles put on at the Pensacola Navel Air Station (NAS)
I am getting some doggy love from Ashta at Pet Welfare on Eglin Air Force Base.
College Football Playoffs 2020 in New Orleans.
I am hand sawing this tree branch to create a ring holder. And just look at that face, clearly this is super easy and I am having lots of fun (written with extreme sarcasm!)
Final finished product of said ring holder. Although I didn't come up with the idea myself (thank you Pinterest or Etsy) it turned out amazingly beautiful!
Grew up in California but have been lucky enough to travel the world!! OK, well not all of the world, but I have traveled a lot of it. I love technology, I love software, and I love using what we have to its fullest potential (including ourselves). I am constantly learning and reading and implementing new stuff. Not only do I enjoy exploring new technology, but I also love creating and developing new technology or software or design material. As you can see, not only do I also enjoy creating and building with technology, but I also love working with wood. I am not an amazing carpenter...but I give it 'the Ol' College Try!'
Fun with Technology
Internet, US