Lightshot | Image size is too large

March 23, 2020

Jennifer Zdenek


Windows 7 or 10 on a Desktop or Laptop (Mac or Windows)

Download and Install Lightshot

How to Reduce the size of the saved images

Have you installed Lightshot and realized that the images sizes might be a little large and you are wondering if that is necessary?! The default image size is set to 90 and depending on why you are saving that image you might want to consider decreasing the size of the image that is saved. Especially if you are doing a lot of uploading images to a cloud software or online system or even just emailing or IMing images.

Step 1: Click on "Notification Chevron (button)" or carrot at the bottom right hand corner of your Windows

Step 2: Right click on "Press the 'Prnt Scrn' on your keyboard to take a screenshot (button)"

Step 3: Left click on "Options... (menu item)"

Step 4: User left click on "Formats (tab item)" in the Options dialogue box.

Step 5: Drag the slider in the "JPEG quality" section to choose the size of the saved image.

Step 6: User left click on "OK (button)" in the Options dialogue box.

Changing it to 50 (the smallest you can go) will be a smaller sized JPEG which would inturn make it easier to upload to an online/cloud system.

My 2 cents



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